Thursday, September 13, 2012

Is it really that hard?

So that's was the phrase of the day apparently. All I heard today was the second cook complaining about how the second shift constantly does not do this, does not do that. He does have a valid point that our shift, with only 2 cooks on the clock, compared to their three, does more of the prep work for the restaurant then second shift. So yes it gets old when we come in and everything we prepped is gone and no attempt was made to restock it. One of his usual complaints is opening a tub of, lets say tarter sauce, and there be a spoon in it. He will take the spoon out and go "Oh my God, its so hard. I think I strained my pinky taking the spoon out." Haha ok so I get it, it is stupid simple things. But please explain to me why I almost always come in after he has closed our shift the day before and I find specials still in the serving pan wrapped in foil, at times, put away in the walk in cooler. Best part was when I found the breakfast buffet potatoes in the steam table pan AND the serving spoon in it. I told him to save back one serving of the potatoes because a regular customer in the morning wanted it with his breakfast the next day. My point is.....

If you are gonna complain about stuff other employes do or don't do, at least be professional enough not to do the same things yourself.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

All I have to do is cook

  So it was not said to me, but it was said to another cook where I work to a cook who was in a foul mood and apparently had words with a waitress. All I heard was her saying, "What are you getting so worked up about? All you have to do is cook." When I first heard it it did not bother me because he was being a whiny lil bitch for some stupid reason. This cook gets mad if he gets 3 orders or more. Basically he can not handle it.
   A few days has past since it was said, but it has been being said over and over again, in my head. All I have to do is cook. Really? That's what you think? OK here is what I really have to do..........
  1. Make Biscuit Gravy
  2. Prep for morning, sausage links and patties, bacon, eggs, pancake mix, sausage gravy, eggs.
  3. Be able to read the tickets.
  4. Knowing how long each item on the ticket takes to cook.
  5. Put all pieces of the order to cooking in order of longest to cook to shortest to cook.
  6. Be able to plate the orders. This sometimes includes desifering the tickets to know what itesm go on what plate.
  7. Making sure the waitresses take the right plates.
  8. Make mashed potatos
  9. Make both white and brown gravy.
  10. Cook Veggie.
  11. Make sure we have all the food in make table stocked.
  12. Make a soup and possible a sandwich spread.
  13. Make 2 specials.
   But what was I thinking? All I have to do is cook.